January 18, 2015

Elementary: Seed Money (3x10)

This show is just freakin' amazing. I love it so, so much.

The plot in this one is that a man ends up dead in what seems to be a mob hit, but there's something fishy going on. Very quickly, they learn that the man did indeed have a connection to a mob, as he helped grow their marijuana. He was an expert at genetics and stuff like that, and helped make strong strands of weed using his knowledge. A giant corporation wants him to help them with their pot-growing projects, because they are getting ready for when the drug becomes legal. Torn between the two options, this man ends up dead. It turns out, however, that the death was actually a case of a jealous lover. One of the women working for the corporation was also in a relationship with the victim, but she found out that he was sleeping with his ex, and she went over to confront him. After she killed him accidentally, she decided to stage it as a mob hit. Then, the mob, angry at their marijuana cook getting killed, took revenge on two of the corporation's other employees.

In this episode, Kitty had her own separate case going on. One of the women in her rape victim support group talks to Kitty about her missing daughter, and since she knows that Kitty has a friend who helps her with detective work, this woman was wondering if Kitty could try and find the missing daughter. She eventually does find the daughter. Turns out, her friend set it up so she could stay at an aunt's house while the aunt is away on vacation. The missing girl tried to throw people off the scent by giving her friend a false lead to pass on to anybody who was looking for her. This false lead takes Kitty to a man who ends up being the missing girl's father - aka, her mother's rapist. Kitty finds the girl and tells her that she understands her anger, but that her mom doesn't want the past dragged up again. The missing girl hugs Kitty, gratified to have somebody who understands.

Joan tells Sherlock that she's taking a job at an insurance company, working as an investigator. She assures Sherlock that she still wants to work cases with him as well, and she'll be able to do both. Sherlock also has some news: he wants to make Kitty officially his partner, instead of just his protege. He had initially thought that it would take longer for her to be in a good place after what happened to her, but he has realized that she is ready.

At the very end of the episode, Gregson calls Sherlock and tells him to come to a crime scene alone. Gregson shows Sherlock the victim: a dead woman with the same markings on her back that Kitty had after her abduction. It looks like Kitty's attacker is in the area.

Hooooh boy. Where do I even start? I don't think there's a single thing to complain about. This show has really hit its stride this season, with each episode really interestingly exploring this dynamic between these three fascinating lead characters. I love it to pieces. Let's just talk about the good stuff I guess, because I don't think there's anything to criticize!

First of all, the case itself. This one had a pretty basic setup, what with a few misdirects and then an important detail - the smell of flower food - leading to the answer in the end. A good balance between Sherlock and Joan, too, as each of them were integral to solving the case.

Sherlock and Joan had a lot of great talks in this episode. I loved it when Sherlock talked to Joan about how much he valued her, and how in the past he'd made that clear through sometimes embarrassing means. That was sweet. As each of them announce the changes coming up in their lives, as each of them sort of... get new partners, as it were, they are sure to reassure each other that their friendship and partnership doesn't have to end. Still, change is difficult, especially for Sherlock. I think Joan was a little bit jealous of Kitty there at the end, but she is still going to do everything in her power to be supportive.

Kitty gets her own case! That's what I'm talking about! I loved seeing her at her support group. I really love her character. I'm surprised by how... non-threatening I find her. She's not stepping in between Joan and Sherlock. She's an important part of both of their lives. Kitty's continual references to Sherlock as her "friend" during her meeting was actually sweet, and she talks about how she's made more friends and started to really move on with her life. I feel oddly proud of her, which seems to be what Sherlock is feeling too.

A couple of small details: I loved Sherlock's indignation about the bees. The dying bee population is actually a serious problem right now, so it was cool to see that addressed. But it was also really funny to see Sherlock, who is usually unbiased if a little bit condescending, get all righteous and angry. I also liked it when Sherlock broke into Joan's apartment to make her a smoothie. Oh, Sherlock. You and your criminal impulses...

Finally, there's that ending. Now this should be interesting! Elementary hasn't had any real A-plot this season in terms of its criminals. It's been mostly just dealing with the dynamic between Sherlock, Kitty, and Joan. A dynamic that will be made all the more interesting, I'm sure, when you take this new detail into account. I hope Kitty stays out of danger! What will Sherlock tell her? What will Joan do? I can't wait to see what comes next.


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