August 05, 2014

Suits: We're Done (4x07)

So... yeah. Bromance. Let's dive right into the plot. I think this is going to be a brief review, but then you know how I get. I end up rambling on and on. In any case, here goes:

Mike has been fired, and is not handling it well. Forstman offers him a job that will come with a one million dollar signing bonus. Donna tells Harvey to go and see him, and Harvey does, telling Mike to go visit Stan, the man who had lied on his resume and gotten fired in his late life. After talking with Stan, Mike learns that his job isn't what matters in his life. The most important thing is who he spends it with. He decides not to take the job with Forstman, and instead joyfully tells Rachel that everything will be okay if he has her.

At this point, Rachel's guilt overcomes her, and she tells Mike about the kiss with Logan. Mike storms off and goes to Logan's house. The two get into a fight. Mike then goes to Harvey's, while Rachel goes to Donna's. The next day, Mike asks Rachel for the full truth about the kiss, but gets even angrier when he learns that there was more feeling in it than Rachel admitted at first. Mike declares: "we're done." Rachel then says the same thing to Logan, also saying she won't be Logan's lawyer anymore.

Mike goes to take Forstman's job offer, feeling he has nothing left going for him, but Louis wants to stop him.

Earlier, Jessica had offered Louis a reward for helping out with the Gillis case. He asked for name partner, and was refused. He then asked for more vacation days and the possibility of telecommuting, so that he could go and try to be with Sheila. However, he instead decides to use his reward to hire Mike back to the firm. Jessica doesn't want to do this, but Harvey points out that Jessica can't refuse Louis without making it look like there's something wrong with Mike. Mike is back at the firm!

Harvey is happy to have Mike back. He tells him (with some prompting from Donna) that he should go home and try to work on things with Rachel, because what they have is real. Mike leaves Harvey's and finds Rachel at home, telling her that he needs some space, but that they still have a chance. Harvey drops Logan as a client.

Meanwhile, Louis is forced to sign the papers with Forstman that funnel some of the money illegally through Swiss banks, making Louis complicit in a serious crime. Also, Jeff Malone is angry that Jessica had Louis check his work, and tells Jessica that she needs to treat him differently due to their personal relationship. Jessica capitulates eventually, admitting that it's hard for her to be openly emotional, but that she'll try harder.

Soooo. Complaints?

My goodness gracious, I hate Jeff Malone. Seriously, Jessica, what gives? Jeff is mad that Jessica had Louis check his work... but Jeff made a mistake! Jessica was totally right to have someone else check his work. She did nothing wrong! I cannot believe she capitulated and apologized for him. He deserves absolutely no special treatment whatsoever, when it comes to a work setting. I was so mad that Jessica was falling for his crap, and honestly I don't know where they're trying to go with this right now.

A few other little things... I mean, Katrina is still boring and useless as a character, so that's a bit annoying. And Donna was relegated to sage-advice-giver once more. I want to know more about her separately from her relationships with these other characters. I want to know her as an individual.

But let's be honest. I obviously loved this episode, and the reasons are clear.

Firstly, I'm glad to see that Rachel and Harvey have both firmly said goodbye to Logan, and are firm in their loyalty to Mike. Rachel is feeling the full guilt of what she's done, and I'm glad that they aren't going to prolong her attraction to Logan, since I thought it was a bad idea to begin with.

One funny Louis line that I have to mention: "I think I know what the goddamn Good Book says!" That cracked me up. In general, Louis was in fine form in this episode. I love the fact that he tried to comfort Rachel, even despite how he feels about Mike. And the fact that he's going to fight for Sheila is great. I'm so happy for him. Also, the fact that he brought Mike back to the firm is such a delicious plot development. When/if he finds out the truth about Mike, he's going to be more entangled in the web of lies than ever before, just like he is with Forstman's money.

Harvey and Mike were too cute for words in this episode. First of all, Harvey drops everything when he finds out that Mike got fired. Adorable. He offers, even without any hope of it happening, to fight for him to get his job back. Adorable. 

He lets Mike stay with him after his fight with Rachel. Aww! I love that Mike goes to Harvey. Quite aside from the bromantic part, it shows character development in Mike. Yeah, he went to Logan and got into a fight with him, but he didn't retreat into himself and go get high or anything. He went to his friend and talked it out. He also tried to talk with Rachel again, and even if he lets his anger get the best of him, he does genuinely decide to work on things and let her work on things as well.

I loved the four-worded conversation between Harvey and Mike when Mike shows up at Harvey's door, cut up from his fight. Harvey: "Forstman?" Mike: "Logan." Harvey: "Gillis?" Mike: "Rachel." And then Harvey says "Get the hell in here." It's great. Also, I love their conversation at the end of the episode, where they tease and joke around, both so genuinely relieved and happy to be back on the same team once more. So cute!

Also, the complications of Mike coming back make things very interesting for Jessica as well. I loved how Harvey explains the logic of having Mike back, now that Louis has already hired him, and Jessica tells Harvey that he could try and look a little less happy about the whole thing. Harvey says "I never should have let him go in the first place." Let's think about that. He has no business reason for saying so - it's all just because he wants his friend back. The same thing goes for dropping Logan as a client. He hated watching Logan push Mike's buttons, but he had to let him, because Harvey was Mike's lawyer. But now? Harvey drops Logan like a hot potato the second he gets the chance, even if it doesn't make a ton of business sense. Aww!

So, there you have it. The bromance in this episode isn't the only thing it has going for it. We've got some great setup for future conflict, and I'm genuinely excited to see how things go from now on. Although I have some qualms about Jeff Malone, I'm still pleased overall!


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